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If it doesn't apply, let it fly....

This year my house was broken into, my purse stolen, my car stolen and overall just weird things happening. I decided to leave the house and left my garage band recording (program I use to record music). When I returned I played it back and there were two men in my office whispering, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Any musician knows Garage Band will pick up absolutely everything. Immediately after, someone un-installed my garage band and changed all of my email and apple passwords and I STILL can't check my email and my phone has been hacked. Also my debit card came up missing and I now need to close my account. I am so over people gaslighting me and telling me these things aren't happening. I've got people streaming my computer on their televisions and more. I'm taking all of my equipment out of town to have a professional look into these things and when I find out, I will take action. Over the past 30 years I have been ostricized and stalked by a certain group of people I used to go to school with. They began sabotaging me at around age 14 doing things like sending firetrucks to my house in the middle of the night, saying my house was on fire, ordering things in my name and then me getting bills for them, trying to ruin my credit before I was even out on my own. I know who these people are and why they are doing it. They need to be caught. They have attempted to sabotage my life in every imaginable way. They later promised things like record contracts, etc if I would do this or that. Basically they were trying to "trick" me and are a bunch of lying evil parasites. All anyone ever tells me is to get help that these things aren't happening. I have received more "help" and mental health care than anyone I know. Being judged for not being able to cope with these things in a healthy manner has made me feel very bitter and I am staying away from anyone who categorizes me as insane for telling the truth. The addictions and "mental health problems" I have struggled with are a result of continued abuse and have resulted from everyone telling me I'm crazy, I'm an addict, get help. I am a very sane and extremely competent person, willing and capable of carrying out any task. I'm college educated, have written and performed my own music, sing and play multiple instruments, helped build a national non profit organization, worked for the state as an investigator, wrote a book on crisis intervention and started my own company. But everything I have done resulted in nothing because it was just a carrot being dangled. I worked my tail off for nothing. Today they are trying to sabotage my company, my family and drain me of who I am as a person and everything that's important to me. Because  my coping mechanisms are no longer the greatest, I am discredited. How convenient for them. Thankfully I am getting the help I need to take care of myself. However, those people who treat me like it's all in my head, call me crazy, ask me if I'm taking my meds, yell at me for talking about it and use all of their other GASLIGHTING techniques to keep me in line, are no longer welcome in my life. I'm not crazy. It's not drugs. And the abuse I have taken from these people RESULTING in these bad coping mechanisms, are going to result in me laying hands on someone. I know at my age it sounds petty to want to rip someone's head off, but this crap has interfered with my family, my health, my sanity, my sobriety, my career, and my faith in God. Their stalking and smear campaigns have gone on my whole life and soon enough, God will judge them. I've tried to be kind to everyone I know and take the blame for everything. I make a great black sheep. But if people continue to demonize me, and continue to try and control me through smear campaigns and torture will one day see their demise. You're only making matters worse for everyone. I am cutting myself off from everyone who does that crap. To those people covertly running my life and commanding me like a dog, one day you will pay. I'm going to rock your world and you'll never see it coming. It will be a day of reckoning. Now cease and desist because you WILL reap what you sow! To all of my customers, I have people covering for me right now while I get these issues resolved. Thank you for your understanding. I have an attorney and a PI and I'm doing my part to get as healthy as possible so you can no longer discredit me. If a war is what you want. You've come to the wrong place! P.s. you should probably cover up your backpage sales you sick pimps! People are not for sell. Any nasty or controlling comments left on this post will result in your immediate and permanent dismissal from my life. I will not be treated like garbage for speaking the truth. I'm a very patient person but you're done! It's over for you. It's just a matter of WHEN. So you should probably say your prayers. I am stronger, smarter, smoother and more patient than you pathetic scumbags! Your lives look amazing on the outside, but inside you are cowards, perverts, desperately trying to cover up your crimes because you don't want anyone to taint your pretty little image. You actually believe this is okay because you have no conscience. You are narcissistic psychopaths. It's so awesome how you present yourself to the public....oh look how good and compassionate we are to the public, see what we do for the children here, WE CARE. Hilarious! Because I know who you really are. My dad always said "I don't trust anybody who doesn't drink, smoke or gamble. They're probably into porn." He was so right. And remember that tree you climbed at my house? You can hang from it. I never took you for a slave owning sex trafficking kingpin or nazi, but here we are. And you think I'm weak, desperate, afraid and you people won't be found out for the disgusting vermin you are. Cute. So keep coming at me bro and you're going to find out that the Atteburys you targeted, well this time you picked the wrong one. Have a nice day!

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