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10 Must Have Cleaning Supplies

I used to be a person who bought every different kind of cleaner available, those specified for this or that, such as All Purpose Cleaners, furniture polish, etc. They can be expensive though if you have to have a cleaner for every different thing you do. After I began cleaning for a living, I found uses for BASIC supplies that did everything. I also found that texture of my cleaning rag or tool played as big a part as the cleaner I was using. So here is a list of things I keep in my cleaning toolkit that can be used for virtually anything and everything. 

1. Dawn Dishsoap 

Dawn is soft enough to be used on animals. Many commercials have shown it to be effective in cleaning up little ducklings, etc after an oil spill. So it's soft enough to not harm, yet has a great degreaser. Fill up a spray bottle with water and add a few drops of Dawn Dish Soap, shake and voila! There is your all purpose cleaner. 

2. Vinegar

The same type of bottle is handy to have as the Dawn, if you prefer Vinegar. Fill up a bottle with Vinegar about a 4th of the way, then top off with water and shake well. Vinegar is also a great surface cleaner and works well on glass and mirrors. It does take longer to dry than for instance, Sprayway but it is inexpensive and gets the job done, so I always have Vinegar on hand, especially if I run out of Sprayway. 

3. Bar Keepers Friend

Bar Keepers Friend, or BKF for short, is an inexpensive powder which can be used on nearly everything grimy, for instance in your ovens, around faucets, as well as bathtubs and showers. Mix it with Dawn to make a paste and use a terrycloth rag for awesome results. It will remove stains out of tubs, off of refrigerators and the like. It's also excellent for hard water stains on shower doors. 

4. Sprayway

Sprayway is the premier glass cleaner. I use it for windows and mirrors. If I run out, I use the Vinegar. Sprayway has a strong smell. Some people like it, some don't. I don't mind it at all. 

5. Oven Cleaner

Oven cleaner is absolutely essential. Some people use self cleaning ovens, but most do not. I have several before and after pictures of ovens I have cleaned in rental apartments that were in bad shape. You have to let the oven cleaner soak for a while. You will most likely need a wire mesh scrubbing tool to get out all of the black burnt areas inside your oven. You may need to repeat the process several times. (Note, you can also use BKF and Dawn on the inside of ovens if you are out of Oven Cleaner but that's not MY preferred method as it can leave a white film you can miss if you're not careful.)

6. Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Any kind will do. This is the only place where I use a product that contains bleach. 

7. Ammonia

I keep this on backup for impossible jobs such as bathroom or kitchens that haven't been cleaned in forever. 

8. Floor Cleaner

Typically I buy Fabuloso unless specifically asked to use something else such as Murphy's Oil for wood floors or Pine Sol. Fabuloso and Pine Sol both have strong smells. I think Fabuloso makes the whole place smell better. 

9. Magic Eraser

Magic erasers are great for getting stains and scratches off of appliances, hard grime in tubs, doors and baseboards. You can remove crayon marks from walls and doors. It's really magic! 

10. Furniture Polish

I do not use oil based furniture polish on any furniture. It builds up. I use either the Dawn or Vinegar and just damp my rag a little before dusting unless a customer specifically asks me to use a product of their choosing. 

Dana Simpkins, Author

Copyright 2024

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